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다운로드 2015 써클 영화 최고 품질의 링크
Dec 24, 2021 18:17:42 GMT -6

Alola Region

Melemele Island is the starter island out of the archipelago that is the region of Alola. It is the most homely of the Islands and the most populated due to its welcoming inhabitations, and it is also where most trainer's get their starter Pokemon as the Pokemon Lab is there.
Akala is the commercial island of Alola. Here you can find many shops, including luxury hotels, high-end technology resorts, Akala is also home to Coordinator's Association for aspiring Coordinators.
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Ula Ula is considered the more industrial out of the main Islands that make up Alola. Due to its planetarium, factories, and power plants. Some parts of the Island are closed off due to private reasons.
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Poni Island is considered the Forbidden Island. Due to many bad legends, rumors and more, it was deemed forbidden for reasons beyond explanation. But that's never stopped anybody. The Island now act's as a secret hideout for many rebels and others who seek exploration due to it's forgotten ruins.
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Aether Paradise, the artificial island that acts as a sanctuary and refuge for hurt Pokemon. The Paradise acts as the base and foundation for the Aether Foundation to practice their scientific experiments. Employees may also find shelter there.
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Being as Alola is an archipelago, there are many other Islands aside from the four main Islands. You can find many amazing thing's if you manage to explore.
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The base of Team Skull has two parts, the ship, and the port. The base is a grand ship that has many housing units. Many members of the Skull treat the ship as their home and everybody as a family.
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A series of makeshift warehouses and abandoned factories that house all the visiting Rocket forces.
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The S.S Anne is a luxury cruise ship housing many amenities of the more high-end type. The S.S Anne travels all around the world with its most stops being in Alola. If you want to get away, take a break, go on a romantic trip or just see the world. The S.S Anne is your stop.
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please welcome our newest member dilebolsbullkneec!
다운로드 2015 써클 영화 최고 품질의 링크
Dec 24, 2021 18:17:42 GMT -6
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